Sunday, May 10, 2015

Newspaper clippings and mom

 Today is Mother's Day.  It is also my 41st birthday but this post is not about my birthday, it's about my mom.  When I was thinking about something I could write about my mom on this mother's day my first thought centered around newspaper clippings.  My mom and I share a love of reading together so she knows I appreciate a good read.  For years she has cut out newspaper articles she thinks would interest me and she's always right.  She'll often have certain words or sentences underlined within the article.  Her favorite articles these days tend to be about parenting and as she passes off the articles to me she'll often say, "You do most all of these suggestions but I thought you'd find it interesting," and I do!  I get a kick out of the articles about boys!  She'll cut out hot topics such as common core, ADHD, issues relating to public schools, etc....  I don't read a newspaper anymore from print so I enjoy having the articles presented to me from my one and only mom! 
My mom is funny, real, kind and generous.  She is the first one I can't wait to call to relay something new or exciting that has happened to me.  She is my biggest cheerleader and loves her grands, as she affectionately calls them.  Whether she's picking Luke up from speech and playing a mouse game with him in the car or taking Lauren to some girlie event like a tea or play or watching Price is Right with Nick or taking Jay on Krispie Kreme run or cheering him on at a basketball game, no one can argue she is actively involved with her grands.  So Happy Mother's Day, mom!!!  I love you bunches, newspaper clippings and all!

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