Friday, April 7, 2017

O.L.D.....aka annoyed

A few weeks ago, Sarah, Jenny and I went for pedicures.  While we were waiting for our toes to dry we started discussing my bladder and blood clot issues.  I really got on a roll, as only I can do, when suddenly I realized there was this sweet, innocent looking young (and I mean young, like 13 or 14 young) girl next to me.  I apologized to her, for our inappropriate behavior and our old jokes about  bladders, big legs (me) and gray hair.  After all, I didn't mean to scare the girl.  She smiled sweetly and told us we weren't old, and while I believe that saying is true, you're only as old as you feel, these days I'm feeling old!  I'm forgetting things, and having a terrible time processing things.  And anyone who knows me knows that processing is not my strong point on the best of days.  Somehow I'm getting by, but not without some minor annoyances.  I had no idea that after 40 losing weight would become next to impossible, that coloring my hair would not only be a necessary evil, but vital for my well being (I'm just saying), and that little things would become big things in terms of how they annoy me.  Living with all boys is a prime example.  Who ever said that the woman who lives with all boys is the queen of her castle is full of bologna.  The best thing that happens to me on a daily basis is I get clean bath water every night (most nights), and that's when the boys have informed me they didn't pee in the water.  Some women might argue that living with girls and being over 40 is worse.  I have no doubt.  I am not a one upper.  I don't discriminate.  I think we're all equally annoyed!  We have one TV in our house.  Yes, take a moment to gasp, I get it!  The boys and Mike love the show, "The Simpsons."  I don't.  In fact every time I hear the theme song, indicating yet another episode is about to start, I cringe.  It's like nails on a chalk board.  The boys are at tough ages right now and it doesn't mesh well with my age and hormones!  They are my ministry, my gift to Jesus, these days. Some mornings we'll be walking out the door for school and Jay will say, "You don't look happy this morning, mom."  That is after I followed him out the door, having to walk through a cloud of his smelly gas.  It will take special girls to marry them, special girls indeed.  Thank goodness for my girlfriends and my mother (who understands my processing issues better than anyone, and loves me anyway).  We joke and laugh together, and like Sarah said recently, we will all be shaving our mustaches soon - at least I know I'll be shaving it with my girls! 

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