Friday, April 21, 2017

What's going on these days

 What is going on these days for Mike is work, work and more work.  I'd say I can't believe it, but I can.  We've come a long way from last spring.  Fast forward a year later and what a difference a year can make.  With any small business you have busy times and slow times.  Things may slow down for Mike in the upcoming weeks or they may not, we're still learning as we go.  April has been nothing but crazy busy, like 12 - 18 hour days busy.  The other night, after Mike had worked all day, he came home to eat and after dinner he went back to the shop where he stayed until 1 a.m.  I told him it wouldn't be the first time he pulled an 18 hour day and it wouldn't be the last time, the difference this time is he is doing it for himself. 
 Mike's biggest obstacle has been and continues to be his space issue.  When he built his shop 13 years ago it was meant to be a weekend shop, a shop where he could build small things for our home.  He never intended the shop to be for business purposes.  However, we've been thankful to have the shop, but as Mike's business grows it's become very clear he needs more space.  What that will end up looking like we don't know.  As much as Mike loves organization and cleanliness, his shop is not that these days.  Most people would see it as neat and tidy, but trust me, knowing Mike like I know him, it's a disaster and I know it bugs him to no end.  As for the pictures of Mike, he's staining wood.  Matching and staining colors is one of his favorite things to do.  He made a mantle this week from  rustic looking wood and with the colors he poured into it, it looked amazing when he finished! 
I'll wrap by my blog with this cute picture of Nick, and make a point at the same time.  Years ago we bought nice leather furniture, but the boys are not allowed to sit on the furniture.  The picture is Nick all sprawled out in an old leather chair of my mom's.  The boys are allowed to sit in this chair as it is old and it was free.  I think this picture clearly demonstrates why they are not allowed on the good furniture!  Seriously!

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