Monday, May 1, 2017

Happy Birthday, Nick

 Another year has gone by for our sweet and funny Nick.  He was a good sport this weekend because trust me, his birthday was uneventful at best, and a bit of a disappointment.  His birthday fell on a Sunday and it started raining on Friday night.......all weekend long.  There were flash flood warnings the entire weekend.  Then Mike and Jay had to work the entire weekend.  Nick and I hunkered down at home and played Uno and Nick put together a puzzle.  He listened to his audio book and we watched the rain, in between our marathon Uno tournament (ha). 
 Saturday night things got a little better as Mike and Jay were home and our family came out.  Nick requested lobster tails (his favorite) and lava cakes for his birthday meal. 

Lauren spent the night on Saturday night and I got to do her hair on Sunday morning.  This was a rare treat for me.  I put her hair in a simple bun but that bun made this aunt so happy!  She reminds me so much of my sister at that age, sweet and soft spoken, and such a willingness to please.   
In life there are times when you do something for someone else and you have no idea the impact it has on them.  These pictures are an example of what I'm talking about.  Originally we had planned to have a movie night on Saturday night for Nick's birthday.  I had to cancel due to the weather.  Nick was disappointed.  Our family came out for dinner on Saturday but there was no movie.  I asked our friends, Brandy, Jami and Laura to come over on Sunday night for Nick's actual birthday.  I called it Cupcakes and cocktails (ha).  It was no movie night but it was the best I could do with all the rain.  Sunday had been a long and rather boring day so when our friends came over on Sunday evening for cupcakes and cocktails, it was a very welcome treat.  Our friends made Nick laugh and it was obvious they came out in the rain simply to celebrate Nick.  It was just what Nick needed to make his rather gloomy birthday, brighter!  There is nothing quite like good friends! 
Happy 11th Birthday, Nick.  As I always say, you completed our family.  You add so much spark to our family.  The sky is the limit, Nick.  You are imaginative, bright, funny, social and you love Jesus.  Love you!!!

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