Monday, April 30, 2018

Happy 12th Birthday, Nick

 Every birthday that comes around for Nick I remind him that he completed our family.  Jay started our family but Nick completed it.  Nick will always be my younger one, the one I always see with those big blue eyes and blond hair.  The toddler who didn't speak a word until he was 18 mos old and then he never stopped talking.  Kid you not!  But it's one of the things we love about Nick.  Close friends and family have commented to me that all of the sudden Nick looks older to them.  I could not agree more.  He got a nice hair cut that he styles himself (ha) and he's gotten taller.  You put all of those things together and wa-la, my youngest is slowly but surely turning into a young man.
 Last night we had family over to celebrate Nick's birthday since today he has a track meet after school.  My mom got Nick his cookie cake and didn't realize she had gotten pink until after she purchased it.  We thought Nick was going to have the big one, but instead he sweetly said, "It's okay, Nana."
 Some things I've noticing about Nick.  He is really self sufficient.  He just gets things, how they operate, and how best to get something done, almost to a fault.  Let's just say Nick is very opinionated about things.  His mouth is one of his greatest attributes but this year has also been a great detriment to him.  It's a work in progress getting him to understand the value of what does and doesn't come out of his mouth.  I pray he uses how to best use his mouth and his words for God's glory one day because if he can figure that out, the sky is the limit.  He's exceptionally wonderful when it comes to sportsmanship.  He knocks good sportsmanship out of the park.  I have continually witnessed him on the basketball court be kind to others.  During XC and now track I see him encouraging his team mates and other runners for competing schools.  Often times he wants to stay to the bitter end of track meets (something this momma does not care to do) just so he can cheer his friends on.  This part of Nick's personality just comes naturally to him.
 On Friday night we took Nick to Scheels for his birthday.  He had a wad of cash he wanted to spend on fishing gear.  Mission accomplished!  I think Nick eats, breathes and sleeps fishing.  It's his all time favorite thing to do these days.
 This is what I'm talking about when I say Nick just looks older to me.  This is such a sweet picture of Nick and his nana.  He's just right on the cusp of being a teenager.
Happy Birthday, Nick.  We sure love you!  You provide such entertainment, and curiosity to our  crazy family!

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