Thursday, June 18, 2020

God is still here

Everyday the news seems to get worse. I try to meet a balance of being informed but honestly the news is so bad I limit myself to a 30 minute news cast in the morning and occasionally I listen to talk radio. Every time I scroll through Facebook I get sick to my stomach. Satan is at work and lately it feels like he is winning, big time.  This week I've really drawn closer to God, looking for His guidance, His wisdom. I know He's here but with all the chatter and negative media, He's sometimes hard to see. This morning I went for a walk bright and early (which is so unlike me). The entire walk I listened to my praise music and worshipped. About halfway through my walk as I came over the hill that leads to the lake, this is what I saw. At that very time Gospel singer, Kirk Franklin, prayed for our broken nation and unity at the end of a song I've listened to a million times but never heard this prayer before. It was at that moment God reminded me He's still here, He's still at work and He loves us.

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