Sunday, March 15, 2009

The Church Mint Man

Every Sunday when the boys & I go to church there is an older gentleman who greets us with a mint (and no, he's not trying to tell us we have bad breath, he passes out the mints to everyone). The boys look forward to this when we go to church. So today, after I got Nick settled in the nursery, Jay & I sat down to enjoy the service. As soon as we sat down Jay got the most horrendous look on his face & he was almost in tears. I immediately asked him what was wrong and he didn't say.....I had no idea what his problem was but I thought my 7 year old son was about to have an all out crying fit if I didn't get him out of church. I took him out to the narthex and he was able to tell me his mint was lodged in his throat. He was still breathing and not turning blue but I was a little panicky. Then Jay acted like was he was going throw up all over the narthex so I took him outside. By this time the same older gentleman who had given Jay his mint came out to see if we were okay. Jay appeared to be okay so I went to get him a drink of water to help the mint dissolve.
Thankfully Jay was okay. I think the mint had just lodged itself and was very uncomfortable. Needless to say it was quite a church service for us. I doubt Jay will eat another mint any time soon.


Steph said...

Glad Jay is ok! No heimlich required!! I have had that happen before and it's a little freaky to an adult so I can only imagine how he felt!

The Stille's said...

Tell jay he will just have to have bad breath at church