Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Nick's Obsession with the "P" word

Nick did it again tonight. Mike was working so the boys & I took a nice stroll over to the neighbors house. My neighbor, Jeff and I were chatting, enjoying the nice weather and watching our kids play. Nick was having trouble with a button on his shirt. Jeff leaned down to help him and commented to Nick that it looked like he had a full belly. Nick then belted out (very loudly, I might add)............."MY DAD HAS A BIG PENIS." Jeff and I laughed out loud and I think I turned every shade of red. Thankfully, Jeff has a good sense of humor and has 4 year old twins so he knows that kids can say some crazy, off the wall things.
Once again, my Nickel Pickel has proven that we just never know what he's going to say!

PS - Oh Yeah.......after we got home from being outside all evening, Nick decided to poop in the bathtub. It was "lovely."


Steph said...

Literally laughing out loud!!!!

The Stille's said...

that cracks me up!!!!!