Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Reading progress

What progress Jay is making with his reading. I've actually seen him start to enjoy it, which is so important. I don't care if he reads slower than anyone in his class and I don't care if it takes him 1 hour to read an entire chapter, I just want him to get some enjoyment from what he reads. Tonight, he grabbed his glasses, his "Frog and Toad" book and plopped himself in the laundry basket (again, wherever he is comfortable reading is fine with me) and started reading out loud to himself. What an accomplishment! Way to go, Jay, I'm so proud of you.


The Stille's said...

thats great I am so proud of him

Christy said...

I love it that Mike is reading with Jay. Dads can have an incredible influence on their kids when they show an interest in areas such as reading. Way to go Mike!!! :)