Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Dynmatic Women in Life

Lately I've been reflecting on all the great women in my life and when I really think about it, each one of them have helped shape me and made me appreciate all their differences. Here is what makes them so special:
*My Mom: The greatest gift my mom has given me is to believe in myself. Growing up it never really occurred to me that I couldn't do something. She also gave me the the gift of balance. She demonstrated balance and what it meant to be a working mother. I never really appreciated all those hot, home cooked meals she had on out table every night after teaching all day. I could go on and on about my mom, she's one in a million
*My Sister: I don't think I know anyone who is more hospitable than Kim. She is the most welcoming person and always likes to have a good time. I like to think we balance each other out. She loosens me up a bit and when she gets too loose, I'm there to reign her back in.
*My friend, Mary: Mary is my friend who clearly God put in place for me. She was there for me during my transition into college and she was the one who set me up with Mike. Mary's sunny disposition and love of Jesus is apparent in every action and conversation you have with her.
*My friend, Jenny: Jenny is also another friend who was placed in my life by God. She has been my friend for 16 years and there has never been a harsh word between us. In fact, she is one of the most supportive friends and truly gets me. We are similiar in so many ways and she has taught me to not sweat the small stuff and get lots of pedicures.
*My Aunt Karen: Karen is my dad's youngest sister. I thought she was the bomb growing up (I still do, Karen!). We've always been close but we talk a lot more frequently now due to the issues with my dad. Her sense of humor inspires me. Honestly no matter what is going on in her life she can find the humor in it. She'll call me and say, "Well I just got off Mr. Toad's Wild Ride."
*My friend, Laura: You know how when you meet someone and you instantly click? That was my experience with Laura when I met her 6 years ago. She might disagree with me but she is one of the most patient mother's I've ever seen.
*My "Posse" of work friends, Karen, Jen, Lara, and Kristi: I sometimes just have to shake my head over the fact that I work with such an amazing group of women.

God has blessed me with an abundance of friends and an amazing family. The list is endless whenI think of all my friends and family who make me laugh on a daily basis and bring joy to my life on a daily basis.

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