Monday, May 24, 2010

The Watermelon

This morning Nick took a huge watermelon to daycare. As I was getting in the car with it, Nick asked if he could hold it during the drive. It seemed like a reasonable request to me so I placed it on his lap. Not two minutes into the drive Nick is complaining that his penis is cold! At first I ignored him but then his cries got a little more frantic. He said the watermelon was making his penis really cold and it was too heavy for him to move.
Now picture this scene: I ask Jay to remove the melon from his brother's lap which he does. But then Jay proceeds to act like he's poking holes in the melon and pretends that he's going to eat the melon which about gives Nick a stroke. I listen to this bickering and taunting practically the entire drive to daycare. Finally, when I could take no more, on a country road I pull the car over (a common occurrance in the Siebert van) and demand the watermelon. It was too heavy for Jay to just hand to me from the back seat so I'm straining, turning every which way (except physically getting out of the car, another common occurance for me) to try and reach the watermelon and end up hurting my back and neither Jay or Nick can understand why I was so cranky!
Tomorrow is a new day and we won't be starting our day with a cold penis and a very large watermelon.

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