Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

This is Jay's smile that says, "I'm so humoring you, mom, so hurry up and take the picture."

This Mother's Day was the best Mother's Day I can remember. It didn't get off to such a great start. This morning when I woke up I had to remind Jay it was Mother's Day and he said, "I don't really care!" Not only did I give him the look but so did Mike and Jay was quick to then say, "I don't really care that it's Mother's Day but I do care about you, mom." After that remark I told Mike I probably needed to lower my expectations for the day. As is usually the case with my boys but especially Jay, he did turn the ship around. The four of us went to church and the boys sang with the choir (which is always entertainment) and this afternoon I did a little shopping (by myself) and got my hair done! Mike topped the evening off by making quesadilla's.
The pictures are of the boys making me bird-houses. Pink is my favorite color. Nick choose to paint his birdhouse pink. He got pink paint all over his t-shirt. I could hardly take him seriously this evening with pink paint all over him.
All three of my boys made an effort today and I really appreciated it. Rarely do I feel like Queen Bee but today they made me feel like it.

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