Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Well here I am week two of my new job.  Technically this is week four but I didn't start working the actual job until last Monday, June 13.  There has been a lot of changes and everyone is transitioning into my new role, including myself.  Week two is going smoother than week one and I know every week that goes by I will feel more and more at ease and comfortable.  The postives I've noticed thus far is the flexibility.  The flexibility is huge.  I really like planning my day around the work I have to do and balancing it with what my family needs.  Sometimes it means I am up and working at 5am but that doesn't bother me.  I was use to getting up at 5am but I had a 35 minute commute which I've now eliminated.  Another positive is seeing my boys in the morning.  I love seeing their sleepy faces and their cuddles when they magically appear in my office every morning.  I have also noticed I don't spend nearly as much money as I did when I worked in an office - WHOA,what a positive thing that is.  I'm also not eating as much but don't ask me why.  I have no idea why that is.  I'm more productive also.  What I've found most challenging is having my kids in the house all day while I'm working.  Kind of contradicts what I just wrote with seeing them in the morning, huh?  But it can get challenging.  Jay is my child who always has a hard time with change, even good ones and he's had a rough time settling into his summer routine, a new babysitter and me working from home.  He doesn't understand why I can't be done working at 3:00.  Sometimes I can be but other days I can't be and he doesn't get that.  He asked me last week if I actually got paid for doing my job.  Clearly, he still needs some time to realize I am doing a job - it's just not in an office anymore.  Ha.  Another challenge is the tech aspect.  I am not good at tech stuff and if something breaks (like computer problems, printer, fax problems) there is no one that sits right next to me to ask or a "maintenance man" to call to fix it.  But that's been good for me.  Folks from my home office are more than willing to help, I just have to pick up the phone and call.  Sure it's time consuming but it's also helped me gain some knowledge as to what I'm doing.  Right before I gave my resignation at my former employer my mom shared a devotional with me and I can't remember it word for word but it was about how some changes produce a really bumpy road and in order to get to the straight road ahead you have to first tackle the bumpy road.  I'm tackling my bumpy road right now but I know there's a straight road ahead.  After working in an office for 16 years I knew there would be an adjustment period.  But all in all, I'm sure glad I'm doing what I'm doing and doing it all at home, even better. 

1 comment:

Nathan and Megan said...

Yay for the bumpy road.. it WILL lead to a straighter road over time. You got this!