Saturday, August 6, 2011

Summer wrap up

I know that summer isn't officially over and I know the kids don't go back to school for another week or so but in our house things are "wrapping" up for summer.  This upcoming week is the last week my sitter will be here and the boys start soccer and football practices this week so things in our house will pick up speed.  I'm anxious for school to start but only because I crave a routine.  This summer has been a good one but it's also been a summer of transition.  Starting my new job and working from home was a huge transition but I'm happy to say I've transitioned and I love it.  This was also the boys' first summer staying at home and having a sitter come to them - instead of getting them up and taking them to a sitter.  I have to admit, some days were better than other but it was really nice having the boys sleep in.  Here are some highlights of the summer.
*I have never purchased so many popsicles in my life.  We went through boxes of the popsicles you can buy at Sam's.  I have no idea what they are called but one day I had to cut Nick off when I realized he had eaten 15 of them!
*Notice the pictures above.  The boys absolutely loved wearing their UnderArmor shirts with their cut off jeans - especially Nick.  When summer started he wouldn't wear anything but a collared shirt, until his dad got him his "Jethro" UnderArmor shirt.  He would literally wear it everyday - hence why I thought it would be appropriate to take their summer pictures in "their shirts." 
*I have never watched so much "Phineas & Ferb" in my life.  Mike and I can recite almost every episode. 
*We lovingly nicknamed Nick, Rip Van Winkle.  He slept until 8:30 or 9:00 almost everyday.  One day this summer he slept until 10:15.  The boy can sleep and Kindergarten is going to rock his world, as far as having to get up in time for school. 
*The boys spent countless hours on their trails, riding their bikes and four wheeler.  Jay got his four wheeler in October so this was his first summer to enjoy it. In late fall of 2010 Mike borrowed a BobCat and made trails for the boys, alongside our property.  It's heavily wooded and the boys LOVE them.  Heck, I love them too.  We have so much fun riding our bikes on them and at night the boys love to put their headlights on and go riding. 

Mike took all the pictures above.  I thought they turned out great.  I just wanted some cute pictures of the boys that reflected parts of their personality at age 9 & 5 - especially since Nick is entering Kindergarten.  When I saw the pictures I thought Jay looked so old and grown up.  He's been so delightful this summer.  He hasn't given me one moment of trouble and anyone who knows and loves Jay knows this is a big deal for me to write this.  There have been some summers where that wasn't the case.  I have enjoyed his dry sense of humor.  He's made me laugh so many times this summer.  Nick has been more of a challenge this summer but this too shall pass.  He's had a hard time making a decision and he complains.....A LOT but I love him anyway.  He still thinks I'm the bomb and loves to spend time with me and it gets me everytime!


Nathan and Megan said...

Great pics. Love your summer re-cap. Thinking about you as the year approaches and both boys are in school!!!

Steph said...

Adorable! I thought the same thing...I can't believe how grown up Jay is!! =)