Thursday, May 10, 2012

38 years and counting

I had such a nice birthday this year.  The weather was perfect.  I started the day off with a lovely walk with my mother and then we shared a cup of coffee.  The picture above is of the boys right before school.  They were wearing ties in honor of their principal, Mr. Shears, who will retire next week.  We love Mr. Shears and will be sad to see him leave.  Notice Copper trying to nip at Jay's shirt.  This is typical for her.  I think I have about 3 holes in one particular shirt of mine!  Gotta love puppies.
Mike and the boys took me out to Texas Roadhouse for dinner - my choice!  As I'm blogging this evening I'm so stuffed, it's ridiculous!  The picture below is a quick snap shot I got of Jay at dinner.  I thought it was so cute and I thought he looked so old & handsome.  What a killer smile that boy has! 
Mike got me a key lime pie - YUMMY!  Mike has been crazy, busy at work but still found the time to be thoughtful for my birthday and I so appreciate that.  He and the boys got me a gift certificate to Dick's so I can finally buy some decent T-shirts.  Since I've been working at home for almost a year the majority of my closet is still filled with work/office clothes.  I need some decent Tshirts to work from home in!  Thank you, Mike and guys are the best.

As a side note.  I started working crazy early this morning (3a.m........yes, crazy I know) and about 5 a.m. I received an email from my beautiful friend, Karen Neal.  In the email she presented me with a lovely prayer just for me on my birthday.  And then my mom gave me a PRAY plaque.  It's not really a plaque per say.  I'll take a picture of it in the next couple of days and post it on my blog.  I truly love it! 

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