Saturday, May 5, 2012

City folks

This Saturday morning my family and I did something out of the ordinary.  As soon as we got up, we got showered and dressed, jumped in Mike's truck and headed to the city.  We went out for bagels (very city like).  I got my cup of coffee to go and carried it with me while we shopped for flowers.  As we drove through the city the traffic was thick and people were coming and going in and out of places with......yup, you guessed it, their cups of coffee.  I fit in nicely.  I said to Mike....."So this is what it's like to live in the city on Saturday morning!" 
I got all my flowers picked out - thank you to my boys for helping me - and planted!  It was a great way to spend a Saturday morning but I still prefer the quiet of my country mornings.   

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