Saturday, May 19, 2012

The + Sign

In Kindergarten kids receive marks such as "S" for satisfactory or "I" for improving.  A + sign means above average and a - sign means needs improvement.  My kids have always been satisfactory kind of kids when it comes to grades which frankly I'm pleased with that.  As long as my children work hard (and they do) I'm a happy momma.  If Jay can get a B or C in reading I'm thrilled.  And if Nick can get mostly all "S's" on his report I'm giving him a high five.  But something extraordinary happened this year.  As I was reviewing Nick's end of the school year report card I noticed a + sign.  I second guessed myself and thought I didn't really see a + sign but wa-la I did.  Nick got a + sign in the category of...............Dictates stories and experiences.  The first quarter Nick had gotten a "S" but clearly as the year went on Nick's teacher got to really know and I mean really know Nick and nobody tells a story with such detail and enthusiasm as Nick.  However, on the flip side, in the comment section Nick's teacher wrote, "Nick always has a lot to share with the class.  At times he's more focused on what he wants to say rather than listening to the speaker."  Imagine that about my Nick.  Ha!  Well regardless I'm still going to gloat a little bit over that + sign! 

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