Monday, June 11, 2012

Life Skills 101

Every Monday my boys go to "camp."  Nick started his first summer of State Farm daycamp.  I love SF daycamp and was so glad Nick could go this year.  When I signed Jay up all those years ago I signed him up with a friend but I didn't know of any friends (whose parents work for SF) I could sign Nick up with but I wasn't worried.  Nick can make friends with a brick wall and sure enough he has. 
I signed Jay up for a sports camp and again I want to stress it's only 1 day a week.  Jay gets to play football, basketball, soccer and dodge ball (his favorite).  I knew it would be an adjustment for Jay.  He is my introverted child who loves the comforts of home.  His first Monday was last week and it wasn't such a great day.  Last night when I was putting him to bed he complained about going to camp the next day.  I asked him point blank to give me a really good reason why he didn't want to go and he explained he didn't know anyone.  I acknowledged his feelings.  It is hard to go somewhere and be around a bunch of people you don't know but at the same time it's a life skill.  As you grow older and become an adult this is part of life.  You're going to be thrown into groups and situations where you don't know a soul and guess adapt, you socialize and you make the best of it and who knows.....sometimes those situations produce life long friends.  But try explaining that to a 10 year old boy.  I told Jay it was good to get out of his comfort zone.  His response, "But I don't like getting out of my comfort zone."  Being a parent is hard and his words tugged at my heart.  I was a lot like Jay when I was a kid.  My mom forced me to do things out of my comfort zone and as an adult I thank her for that - as a child, not so much.  I have a hard time acknowledging things that I do well but getting to know people and taking chances are things I'm pretty good at and the gentle encouragement I got from my mom all contributed to that - which is exactly what I'm trying to do for Jay.  I admit, I almost caved last night but I held firm and I'm glad I did.  We prayed together that at least one child would reach out to him and guess what........that's exactly what happened.  Jay said he had a good time and made friends.  His one complaint......"Mom, next week pack me more drinks!"  Happily noted my dear boy!

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