Sunday, September 23, 2012

What we did this weekend........

Friday night started out with the Doberman, Berwyn, coming over.  She comes over frequently to play with Copper and when she does we know about it because Nick yells......"Berwyn Attack!"  She really doesn't attack, she just plays with Copper.  As you can see she is much bigger but Copper can out run her.  Ha.
After it rained on Friday night a beautiful rainbow appeared.  Nick and I had plans to go to a pumpkin farm with my sister but the rain prevented that. 
And here is the scene in our house on Saturday mornings.  Mike putting the pads on the boys.  Apparently I can't do it right so Mike is left with the responsibility. 
But after all the pads are in their place everyone is all smiles.
Jay had a good football game this week.  They got beat (bad) but it was the first game (thus far) where Jay started and ended with a good attitude.  I don't know what it is with football this year but Jay is really sour about it.  Mike and I have told him he committed to it so he must finish it and it would be nice if he finished it with the right attitude. 
And here's a first glimpse of Nick's zebra costume made by his Grandma.  He loves it. 
The Ausili's came out on Saturday.  We had a good time.  Faith was with a friend but she called the house to talk to Nick.  Her and Nick are tight.  ha.
Nick and Curtis.
Nick had to model his costume for Jenny (of course).  So I used the opportunity to snap a picture.  Ha. 

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