Thursday, October 18, 2012

My bears

Whew this has been a busy week in our house.  Jay has some kind of practice 5 nights a week right now and it's brutal!  It leaves no time for family and I don't like that.  Thankfully the hectic schedule will be over on Oct. 26.   Both  boys are doing well.  Jay is playing football for the third year and he says it's his last.  This year hasn't been as enjoyable for him for a variety of reasons.  He seems to have finally settled into the school routine but somehow I think that when this year is said and done I will say 5th grade has been the most challenging thus far for Jay and I .  There are days where I do a lot of eye rolling (but make sure Jay doesn't see me doing it, ha).  Jay has a lot of attitude.  I love him dearly but he's so preteen right now and he's going through a lot of learning school wise, socially and learning more about kindness towards others.   Some of the "stuff" he's going through and acting out on is all part of growing up and I pray he's learning something and applying it in every situation.  Whew it's hard being a parent! 
Nick is a happy first grader.  He's making friends and has tons of energy.  He finished up soccer and insists he'll play flag football next year.  Nick loves to hang out with the group of big kids that hang out at our house after school almost daily.  And I have to give the big kids credit where credit is due, all of them are good and kind to Nick.  Nick is enjoying reading and loves to point out all of his site words. 

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