Monday, October 1, 2012

The beauty of Nick

Nick's disposition has always been sunny.  He's fairly easy to please and he's eager to do most things and does them with enthusiasm (and some complaining, ha).  Recently he's learned how to whistle and it just makes me smile listening to him go about his business in the house whistling while he's doing what he does.  That being said I can bet his teachers at school may not appreciate the excessive whistling.  Even Jay's friend commented the other night...."Geez,  Nick the constant whistling is kind of getting annoying!"  Tonight Nick set out to clean his room and it gave the song, "Whistle while you work," a whole new meaning!  He was so pleased at his accomplishment he decided to surprise his brother and clean his room too and yup, you guessed it.  He whistled while he cleaned Jay's room too.  At one point he asked me to complete a job in Jay's room.  When I questioned him why he wanted me to do this particular job his response was, "Mom, please just do what I ask without arguing with me about it."  Ummm, that sounds familiar.  I figured it was his domain so I completed my "job duty."  I hope and pray Nick's sunny disposition and sense of humor get him through many of life's obstacles.  And I pray he always goes through life whistling while he works. 

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