Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Mysteries

Lately things in our house seem to be disappearing and when we ask our boys about them they have no idea what we're talking about.  Things get broken in our house on a daily basis.  We're use to that but the disappearing act has us a little perplexed.  It all started in August when Mike put his GPS on his desk and it vanished into thin air.  Eight weeks later the GPS is still missing.  Then last weekend I noticed the wooden bench we have in our playground area is split right down the middle (okay this is not something that has disappeared) the perfect place where a four wheeler could have slammed into it.  But when we asked the boys they had no idea how it occurred and said perhaps a deer jumped over it and kicked it as it jumped in mid air.  Really!  Then just two days ago I made our bed as I do everyday.  I remember on Friday morning we had six pillows and on Friday night after we had a babysitter over we were down to 5 pillows on our bed.  I asked Nick about it and he had no idea what happened to our pillow......his exact response........"Maybe Maggie (our babysitter) took it."  My first mistake was I didn't ask Jay where the pillow was.  I found the pillow today in Jay's room so that mystery is solved.  Then our central vac broke.....see what I mean things break constantly in our house so Mike had to purchase a new motor.  When he took the old motor apart there was a rubber boot that is not broken and is needed to attach the new motor.  Mike left the rubber boot on his work bench in his shop and now that we have the new motor the rubber boot has mysteriously disappeared.  The rubber boot is really the biggest mystery because the boys aren't allowed in Mike's shop without his permission so I'm inclined to blame the rubber boot disappearance on Mike.  But regardless it's still missing and as a result we have no working central vac which translates to one dirty tile floor.  The most amusing part is as I was blogging Nick came in and announced he lost his kick start on his four wheeler (what ever that is).  When Mike asked where it went Nick replied......"I don't know, somewhere in the yard." So on that note I'm going to partake in a pumpkin beer I've had chillng for myself in the fridge.  Bottoms up!

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