Sunday, November 18, 2012

Basketball & Chili Supper

Here's my basketball playing 5th grader.  Jay looks so grown up (and adorable) to me in this picture.  Jay is showing much improvement in playing this year compared to last year.  He enjoys it and can run across the court like a bullet.  He's being coached by a good friend of mine.  She told me Jay is easy to coach - no attitide, no arrogance, he just does what he's told and puts full effort into everything he does.  That is music to this momma's ears.  Once again I refer back to my P.R.A.Y blog where I mention the good friends the Lord has put in my life.  Erin (Jay's coach) is one of them. 
Moves on the court.
Dad helping/coaching Jay after the game.
After the basketball game we transitioned into the Cub Scouts Chili Supper.  This is Nick's first year as a Cub Scout and he took his job very seriously.......passing out cookies!  I've helped with the supper every year.  Three years ago I helped cook the chili (an all day event).  Now Mike and I just cashier.  The boys and Mike and I all agreed we'll never forget the years we spent at the Cub Scouts Chili Supper.  It's always been a family event for us. 
My sister and her family (and my mom too) showed up to give their support to the Cub Scouts!  It was a fun (and long) night.

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