Friday, November 2, 2012


I'm a big fan of "Focus on the Family," a christian based radio show.  This week they featured a speaker who spoke about tween boys and taking risks.  Let's just say it got my attention.  Basically she was saying you have to let boys take risks, if you don't they will not grow up to be men who take risks especially when it's a risk that God is calling them to make.  I wouldn't say I'm a helicoptor mom - although Jay might say I am but there are times I have needed to take a step back but it's so hard.  Mike keeps me calm.  For example, just tonight Jay had a friend over.  They were outside all afternoon which is fine but when it got dark I started getting antsy - even though my boys knows the rules........when it gets dark, you stay on our property.  Our property is large and wooded so even though I know the boys are on the property I'm not always sure where.  But the truth is the 3 boys (Jay, Nick and Jay's friend) were having a ball.  They had built a fire in the woods and were roasting hot dogs but because I couldn't see them I was pacing like a caged animal.  Mike had to set me straight and I knew he was right.  The ironic part of this whole risk thing is the four wheelers.  The four wheelers don't bother me but my boys being out after dark bothers me.  I mean REALLY.....clearly I need to get a grip! 

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