Wednesday, November 14, 2012


My mom gave me a plaque for my birthday that reads......PRAY.  But what's special about it is the small writing under each letter: Praise, Repent, Ask, Yield.  As I was praying this morning I started my normal routine and the praises just kept pouring out.  Since Thanksgiving is only a week away I thought I'd share some of my praises. 
As I enter this time of year I am so thankful for my job.  I may get up with the chickens but there is such peace coming into my office in the morning and drinking my coffee - in silence (in other words before my phone starts ringing off the hook).  And of course the other huge benefit is my constant presence in the home for the boys.  What a blessing!
Seeing my mom enjoy retirement has been another praise.  She is truly loving every minute of retirement and I'm thankful she's had no major health issues.  Sure she has diabetes which is a constant struggle for her but she doesn't let it control her life or activities. 
I am thankful I've heard a lift in my sister's voice this week. 
I praise God for good friends.  He has placed some real gems in my life at just the right moments. 
My husband is a huge praise for me.  He gets up with the chickens also (whereas I have the luxury to not get up with the chickens, he does not) and works a physically demanding job.  It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter.  He never complains.  He just does and when he comes home he starts his second job - being a great dad to Jay and Nick. 
Two healthy boys - need I say more?  Praise God.

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