Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My dance partner

Here's the truth......Jay is my child who is harder to parent.  There is usually some kind of issue that comes up with Jay that needs to be dealt with but on the flip side I so enjoy Jay's quiet spirit and his dry humor.  Nick is my easier child to parent, there are less issues but he also is my child that can send me from zero to sixty in no time flat.  Why you ask?  Well according to my husband Nick can get my blood boiling so quickly because "he's just like you, Amy."  There is a lot of truth to that statement.  So what does this have to do with the title of my blog?  Nick and I have this thing we do just the two of us that fits our personalties perfectly......we dance.  It's "our thing."  Our thing that is between us.  We don't tell Mike or Jay, probably because they would make fun of us.  I love that Nick and I can relax together and do what we love! 

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