Thursday, June 13, 2013

No name blog

 Don't you just love my title today?  Ha!  This blog post is a random one.  The boys and I started cleaning up the paddle boat last night.  It's been "out of commission" for years - mostly because we didn't have a good way to transport it to the lake.  Now we have the four wheeler and we want to start using it again.  You can imagine how disgusting it was cleaning it after years of not being used.  Jay found a slug and threw it on me.....Oh the joys of boys!  I freaked out which Jay said was priceless.  We shared a few good laughs and I realized we really do know how to laugh at ourselves.  Nick joked several times we were the three bozo's cleaning a boat and we really were - tripping over each other, laughing, spraying each other with the hose.  But hey, we got the job done!
This week I had the pleasure of taking these four boys to basketball camp.  They made me laugh everyday and I so enjoyed them!  I pray these boys keep their ties as friends as they enter middle school.

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