Sunday, June 23, 2013

TN Girls Weekend

 This weekend I tagged along with Jenny to TN.  Faith had been in TN with Jenny's parents since Memorial day so Jenny and I packed our bags and headed out late Thursday afternoon for the 8.5 hour drive.  The picture above is of the trail we hiked.  We hiked 4.5 miles with Jenny's dad, Wayne.  Wayne is 67 and he smoked Jenny and I on the trail.
 Jenny and I.  I have to say this past weekend was the most relaxed I have felt in years.  I feel guilty writing that since my husband and children weren't along but it truly was.  I would stay up late, sleep in late and when I got up the morning I'd make myself a cup of coffee and head to the front porch swing.  Jenny's parents are so very hospitable.  Turns out they have head guests coming and going, except for four days, since the first of March.
 Jenny and her dad, Wayne.  You can't tell it because Jenny has her sunglasses on but they look just alike.
                                                          The best 40 year old hiker I know!
 Here is the waterfall we hiked to.  It was beautiful and so calming.  We all sat on a lot to admire it.

 The bat cave - kid you not.  When you were standing in front of the grates it felt like air conditioning coming up from the cave.
Thank you, Jenny!  You said I was doing you the favor by keeping you company on the long drive but you actually did me the favor.  I am refreshed, relaxed and ready to start my week.  You are truly the greatest friend anyone could ask for.  Here's to our new choca's!  Ha!

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