Wednesday, August 7, 2013

There's no place like home

As I mentioned in my previous blog Mike and I went to Cinci for four days.  This was the longest time the two of us have left the boys and it's not because we haven't wanted to leave them and take a trip for ourselves, it's because our boys are let's just say energy sapping & we haven't really wanted to ask family to keep them for very long time periods.  We know how draining they can be, we live with them day in and day out.  They aren't bad kids.  I know every parent says that about their kids but seriously they are good kids - they just need to be in motion constantly.  As I tell my mother all the time.......that is why we live where we live, on 2 acres of wide open property.  Ha!  Anyway, Jay is my "mother" hen.  Truthfully that phrase probably isn't exactly the right phrase I should use but it's early and it's the only phrase that came to my mind. He doesn't have a need to take care of anyone (least of all his brother) but he likes all his "chickens" around, those chickens being me, Mike and Nick.  When Jay's chickens aren't around he gets a little bent out of shape.  Nick handles the change a little better.  Usually when Mike or I are leaving for a trip Jay paces around the house for days leading up to trip.  After Mike or I have left he continues to ask the parent that stayed behind when the other is coming home.  This trip to Cinci was a little different because Jay has a cell phone now and the texts just kept coming all weekend.  One night right when we were ready to go to sleep Mike's phone beeps and sure enough it was Jay.  It was cute.  We enjoyed corresponding with him all weekend over text.  One day Nick called me and left me a voicemail that said, "Hi Mom, how is Cincinnati, this is Nick, Jay is being mean to me."  As soon as Jay got up on Sunday morning his first text to us read, "When are you coming home?"  So although my boys may be a handful and full of it (at times) and even though they were spoiled rotten by my mom and Mike's parents for the four day weekend they still realize there is no place like home and because of that they have been good as gold this week!  I'll enjoy it while it lasts.

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