Sunday, January 19, 2014

Basketball, Basketball and more basketball

 It is January and in January we are heavily involved in basketball.  I enjoy basketball.  In fact it's my favorite sport to watch my boys play.  We have tournaments and tournaments can be LONG days.  Jay had a tournament that started on Friday night.  He played 2 games on Friday night and 6 games on Saturday.  By the 5th game on Saturday he was pooped and anyone who knows Jay knows that if he's tired, he's tired.  The kid just doesn't get tired or have his energy sapped but it was sapped yesterday.  The boys played bball on Friday for 3 1/2 hours and we were back up and out the door by 7:30 the next morning.  The bad news is the boys lost every game - a real bummer.  The good news is there were a few games that were very, very close and in those games the boys played really well together! 

 After the tournament yesterday we all went out for pizza.  The pizza place had a gym attached (kid you not).  I really enjoy spending time with these families and their kids. The kids love it and it really helps build team relationships. 

                                                                 Some of Da Boys!
                                                           More of Da Boys!
 This is Nick's tournament partner.  He's in kindergarten but you'd never know it.  Nick and C. hang out together during all the games!  They are thick as thieves.
 The boys thought it would be fun to play dodge ball against the dads.  The dads beat the boys and they were so proud of themselves.  Us girls had to point out to them to not gloat too much, after all they only beat a bunch of 12 year olds - LOL!
                                      Dads vs. kids........the dodge ball game to beat all games!

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