Thursday, January 16, 2014

Happy 12th Birthday, Jay

 Today is Jay's 12th birthday.  He was born at 9:23 a.m. on a very cold January day.  Is January ever warm?  So many thoughts went through my mind today as I started this blogged.  I wish I were a little more organized in my thoughts today but I'm afraid this blog will be more random than I intended.  I wanted to include the above picture of Jay in this blog because this is his true grin.  This is a grin we don't see very often.  That is not to say Jay isn't a happy kid because he is but when he breaks out that grin you see above then you know life is good in his world.  This is the grin I hope to see on him on his wedding day and birth of his children. 
 The reason for the grin above is this crazy Gilly suit you see Jay in!  Curtis got a gilly suit for Christmas and Jay loved it and immediately put it on his birthday gift list.  This suit fits Jay's personality perfectly.  Anything outdoorsy is all Jay! Now he and Curtis can look like sasquatchs in the woods when they play air soft. 
 My mom asked Jay if he wanted her to make him a birthday cake this year and he surprised everyone by saying Yes!  Mom baked him a dog cake, very appropriate for Jay and his love for his dogs.

 Jay requested monkey bread (his usual birthday breakfast request).  I put a candle in it and Nick and I attempted to sing him Happy Birthday.

 This picture is not stellar of either one of us.  Nick took it and I did very little to myself but I figure it's good to have some pictures of me on this blog.........proves that I do more than just write for this blog. 
All mothers say they can't believe how fast time flies and I'm no different.  I remember taking Jay home from the hospital.  He was a dainty 5 lbs.  At the time I had no idea who a strong boy he would grow into.  I could not have forseen his athletic ability.  The amount of moving he did in utero should have been my first clue.  Ha.  Jay has not been an easy child to raise (thus far).  He keeps me on my toes at all times and through Jay I've learned what it's like to raise a boy and I mean really raise a boy and I've loved every minute of it - mud and all!  This past year Jay has really come into his own and I've enjoyed watching him morph into the 12 year old young man he is this very day.  I look forward to watching him grow and mature even more through the years to come.  Happy Birthday, Jay and remember what Dad and I always tell you.........Jump now because we your dad and I are there to catch you and even help you back up when you need it! 

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