Saturday, January 4, 2014

Cole, One week later

 We've had Cole one week now and he's growing on all of us.  We affectionately refer to him as Cletus.  When I think of a Cletus I think of a big, clumsy redneck (sorry to any of you out there reading this who is named Cletus) and Cole is our Cletus.  Where Copper is dainty and graceful, Cole is clumsy and a bit of a bull in a china store.  He loves meal time and we've had to put him in a separate room to eat to give our girl, Copper, time to finish her meal.  She's such a girl.  She actually chews her food where as Cole devours it.  But all in all Cole has been a good fit for our family.  He has learned the rules rather quickly and he loves Copper and Copper is slowly but surely warming up to him. 

 Copper and Cole spend a lot of time chasing each other around the yard.  Their favorite game is keep away.  Copper always wins. 

 I promised Nick he could have a friend over during Christmas break but I wanted snow so the boys could sled.  If I was going to do it, today was the day.  They had just enough snow to sled and tonight a big storm is coming in which is supposed to dump a bunch of snow and deliver sub zero temps.  I can hardly wait - KNOT! 
If you look closely you can see how dirty Nick and A's faces are.  Jay took them on a four wheeling ride pulling the boys in the sled behind and let's just say there was a lot of slush involved! 

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