Saturday, May 21, 2016

8th grade promotion

 This boy had his 8th grade promotion this week.  I know every parent says this but how has the time gone by this fast?  It seems like just yesterday I was wiping his nose (when I could catch him), tucking him into bed at night and signing him up for kindergarten.  From the time Jay was born I kept a diary until I started this blog in 2009.  Here's me being real......Jay ran me ragged as a toddler and through his early elementary school years.  He tested me at every turn.  There were times when I really questioned whether or not I could parent him and parent him well, but I kid you not when I tell you that he has been a dream in middle school.  While I know I have more years of parenting Jay ahead of me, I feel like he has a solid foundation.  A foundation centered on Christ, his family and his education.  This year in particular was exceptionally positive for him.  He made honor roll twice, and his teachers nominated him as a Ray Kroc nominee at the end of the school year.  He didn't win the award but only 10 eighth graders were chosen and he was one of them.  What an honor!  Additionally, he was captain of his basketball team.  Jay remained actively involved in his small group at church and despite the fact his small group members go to different schools, he's built friendships with them.  What I'm most proud of is Jay does not let his learning challenges define him.  He seems to have (finally) overcome them, and I think he might even say his challenges have had a positive impact on him.
 Here's another truth.  Jay is my child that has required a wee bit more work and the same goes into our relationship, but this boy has my heart and soul, and as his momma I will put every effort into maintaining a relationship with him until I'm old and delusional.  I remember in early elementary school Jay started pulling away from me (In 3rd grade he told me not to come to school anymore!).  I have loved middle school with Jay though, especially this year.  We laugh more together, and I'm not so sensitive when he says I'm embarrassing (which he really doesn't say too often) or tells me I'm lame.   The last six months for us as a family has been hard but we came out of our struggles stronger.  I am so thankful Jay was a witness to our struggles.  And I'm thankful I got to see how he handled it.  I will never forget how my 13 year old displayed the love of Jesus to his dad on a cold November morning.  In that moment every worry I had about Jay disappeared.  Sure I still worry about the silly mom things that we all worry about, but that morning it was like God took care of a multitude of things and worrying about whether or not Jay was going to turn out okay was one worry that is no longer on my mind.  I've certainly learned the art of surrendering.  Mike and I have said many prayers thanking God for entrusting us to love these boys of ours. 
 While this picture is adorable and frame worthy, it really portrays an unrealistic picture.  Jay and Nick still fight....CONSTANTLY!!!  I see this picture as the two of them staring at each other, plotting how they will destroy each other later in the evening. 
                                     Two of Jay's biggest fans, his nana and his Mimi. 
                           These boys have my heart.  They have been friends since second grade.

So another season of life changes and soon another season will begin for Jay.  I pray he's a light to others.  I pray that God uses all of Jay's skills and abilities.  I pray he finds friends who can bare his burdens, friends that "get him."  I pray he's an encouragement to others.  And yes, I pray for his future wife, who ever that may be.  What I want him to understand is the sky is the limit with hard really hard work.  I want him to love well and be loved.  Jay, your mom and dad love you and are so proud of you!!! 

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