Saturday, May 7, 2016

This boy

Recently I heard a story about a boy, who for the purposes of my blog I'll call B., at our elementary school who had tried repeatedly the entire school year to score a touch down during recess.  The boys he played with during recess always included him in their games, but he wasn't as athletic as they were and despite his attempts he never made it very far with the ball.  Since the end of the school year was fast approaching and B. had yet to score that desired touch down, another boy came up with a plan!  During lunch one day this boy reminded his friends that they had all scored a touch down during the school year but B. had not.  This boy wanted B. to know how it felt to score a touch down so he asked his friends to lag behind a bit in order to give B. an opportunity to score a touch down.  This group of boys all agreed it was a great plan!  And so on a sunny May day during recess a group of fourth grade boys gave another boy a chance to feel what it was like to score a touch down.  I was told that it made B's day, that he was so excited to finally score his first touch down.  This boy I describe is my Nick!  Nick's friend, C., came home that afternoon and told his mom about Nick's plan and how it worked and made B's day.  My friend said it perfectly when she said that knowing that our kids are kind to others is more important than any test score.  I couldn't agree more. 

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