Friday, May 13, 2016

End of the year festivities

 This blog is all about Nick and his end of the year festivities.  Not to worry, I'll have blog posts about Jay next week.  I have to admit it's easier to do blogs about Nick these days because he still allows me to take a picture of him.  Last week Nick did his state presentation of Idaho.  He had to memorize a short speech and did a great job.  My mom, Mike and I all came to watch him. 

 Last night was the science fair at school.  This was a big deal for Nick and he took great pride in preparing for it.  He made a lava lamp with oil, water and alka seltzer and he made a "bobbing" matchstick project.  I was really proud of Nick.  He worked hard at it and ended up getting first place in his category. 
 Nick and his buddy, Noah.  Noah's project was a potato clock.  Who knew that a potato can actually keep a clock going?!
                                 Lauren tagged along with my mom to Nick's science fair.    
                                           Nick and his other science fair friends.
 Nick and his friend, who happens to be a girl, a very cute girl, I might add.  He tells me I played this one very well when I offered to take a picture of the two of them. 
                                          Nick's first place ribbon.  Way to go, Nick!!

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