Monday, January 13, 2020

Hawaii Recap

This will be my final blog about Hawaii as this week will be Jay's 18th birthday!  Crazy, I know.  I can't express my gratitude to my mom for making this trip possible.  We enjoyed every minute of it and it was a trip of a lifetime that none of us will forget.  The picture above is the picture our maid, Emi, left us on NYE.  Emi was so kind.  We made sure we tipped her well at the end of the week.
Mom never ceased to amaze me this trip.  It was not easy to travel on a plane for 9 hours but she did it.  She loved watching her family enjoy themselves and we loved experiencing Hawaii with mom. 

I just love this picture.  I don't know why but I love it and I made it my picture on my phone.  My boys really don't get along and I might be stretching it a bit but on this trip they seemed to get along.  They hung out together like this often.  They will never admit that they enjoyed each others company but to this momma it appeared that they did.  This picture just shows how grown up my boys are getting.
We were supposed to go to Kona on New Years Day but the sea was too rough to tender so we spent a day at sea which was a good thing and a bad thing.  The good thing is it was relaxing.  The bad thing was no one got off the ship and it was PACKED!!!

Nick developed a love of mango smoothies on the trip.  I would stand in line at the bars - at least once but mostly twice a day to get him a mango smoothie.
We went to two shows during the trip.  The first show was a comedian who was quite funny and the second show was a magic show.  Notice that Lauren got called to be a "helper."  So cute.  I was really proud of her.  She wasn't the least bit shy and did great.

We ended the week by going by the Nepali Coast.  It was absolutely breath-taking.  Mike got better pictures than I did.  The crew told us they hadn't seen a rainbow on the coast for months but wa-la, the night we sailed we saw two rainbows.   Kim and I thought of dad so many times during the trip.  He would have loved this vacation but we knew he was with us.  Seeing Hawaii for the first time just validates my faith in God.  Who else but God could create such beauty?  Althought this trip will probably remain my most favorite trip I do hope I can go back some day!  Maholo Hawaii!!

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