Friday, October 15, 2021

Jay - making his own way

 I haven't written much about Jay lately but there is a lot to share.  He started his plumbing apprenticeship in late April.  In early October his good friend, Aaron, reached out to him to let him know there was an opening at the electrical shop he worked at.  This was the same place Jay really wanted to work right after he graduated high school but there were no openings.  To make a long story short Jay applied and got the job and started this week.  He handled the entire transition professionally and respectfully.  Philip, his plumbing employer, had been good to Jay and Jay knew it.  It all worked out and I'm so happy for Jay.  He's in full adulting mode and living with his buddies, Kaden and Mason.  He's working in the profession that his heart desires and he's been dating the same girl for almost a year now - yay!  Do I miss him?  Yes, of course.   I miss his work stories and conversating with him but tonight he stopped by after work.  He sat at the breakfast bar with me.  I heated up some left overs for him and we chatted about his week.  It was the best blessing of my week!  I took this picture of him today, holding his dog who has been a part of his life since he was 10.  

The transition in Jay moving out hasn't been as hard as I thought.  First off he's not far away and I still see him about once a week and I have the perfect excuse to hug him now.  Ha!  Plus it's kind of freeing. Mike and I have done all we can for him.  We instilled a work ethic in him, pointed him to Jesus, and demonstrated what marriage looks like - the good and the hard parts.  Sure we made mistakes and like I always say parenting is really a crap shoot - you can do your best and it's a toss of a coin.  But I am sure looking forward to the years ahead to see what Jay does.  I sure love that boy of mine!  

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