Sunday, October 3, 2021

It happened

 I'm way behind in blogging this week.  Here's a quick recap of what's been going on.  On Sept 18 my mom suffered what Kim and I believe to be another small stroke.  It has greatly affected her speech.  We have a MRI scheduled on Oct. 8.  Mom is doing fine but her health and future have weighed heavily on my heart and mind this week.  Nick's football schedule continues to grueling.  That isn't something new but it's usually at this time (right smack in the middle of the season) that the schedule gets exhausting for the boys and the parents.  I took one day off work this week to meet my cousin, Cora, halfway to get my grandma's hutch so Mike could get a whiskey cabinet.  My mom came along for the ride.  It was good for her to get out.  We listened to podcasts going there and back.  It was a blessing for both of us to share the morning together.  I also got my new company car that day, my Ford Bronco.  I'm convinced it's a great car to turn 50 in.  I'll have the car for at least 4 years, so although I'm a ways off from 50, I consider the car my 50's fun ride.  Finally for the finale of everything going on, Jay moved out today - like this afternoon.  I knew it was coming but when it actually happened I felt defeated and just sad.  I might have had a small pity party for myself.  In all fairness, he had given me every sign his move was right around the corner.  He moved his bed, his TV and taken all the tubs that Mike and I filled for him with kitchen accessories from the garage.  I was just sure I had one more week with him.  I was wrong.  I will miss him terribly but I've known for weeks, maybe even months, that it was his time to spread his wings and fly.  He has been on the runway long enough.  I probably haven't thanked God enough for the time He gave me with Jay after graduation.  It was truly a gift.  My relationship with Jay has grown and matured.  During these 18 months I was able to laugh with him more, witness him making decisions and good ones at that.  His work ethic is just like his dad's.....well maybe not quite (because really no one can copy Mike's work ethic) but close.  I believe Mike and I have instilled a deep sense of family in his heart.  I will miss his work stories.  Whether it was landscaping or plumbing, his work stories always had me in gales in laughter.  I will also just miss his presence in the house and his discussions with Mike around the grill.  It will take some adjustment on my part as I live life now with just one teenager in the house which leads me in to the whole "On Purpose" study.  I just find it interesting I'm doing this study at what is probably the most perfect time in my life.  I wish I could say I've had some big life altering idea to live my life more purposely but I don't.  That being said I am learning more about myself and how God sees me, like really sees me.  Full disclosure going with alcohol, TV and social media has not been easy.  Tonight I'd love nothing more than to have a cocktail to help bandage my fresh wounds from my oldest moving out but I won't.  I'll write more later this week on my perspectives and insight into how giving all these 3 things up is far.  Until now I'll drink my La Croix and keep reading books!   

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