Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Sickly Sieberts

What a day this has been. I have been sick for 8 days with I have no clue what but it's time I seek medical attention tomorrow. I've run a fever on an off for days in addition to having an on going back ache that has shifted to my neck and is now in my wrists. I kid you not........I now have wrist pain to go along with the back & neck pain/ache. Then Nick got sick this morning. By noon I noticed he was really wheezing so Mike and I took him to the ER. The ER was like the TV series, ER. There were so many people there there wasn't enough room to sit down. I checked Nick in and we patiently waited and waited and waited. It was obvious to me we were going to be lucky to see a doctor by 5:00 that evening and I'm not kidding. Meanwhile Nick stopped wheezing and was dancing around the ER singing "Jingle Bells." Mike and I decided to leave at 1:30. Perhaps it wasn't the smartest parenting move I've ever made but I just couldn't sit there for 7-8 hours with my 2 year old who probably has a viral infection and had stopped wheezing. We came home and we sat in a very steamy bathroom. So far tonight he's eaten a really good dinner and is drinking plenty of fluids. The biggest down side is he sounds like an 80 year old man who has been smoking his entire life. Somehow I have the feeling I could be outside in the middle of the night with him......cold air always does the trick with wheezing.

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