Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Three Ring Circus

Some nights around my house are INSANE! Tonight was one of those nights. Mike was working late so I was trying to make dinner which is always the biggest joke of all. Nick is usually right under my feet begging for food and Jay is usually doing something to annoy Nick. Right in the middle of trying to make dinner Nick gets into his "I have to poop position." I put him on the toliet which made him furious. He cried that he wanted my help to "help him push his big log out." Geez. Finally, he went potty but it was after he had already messed his pants. Somehow I get dinner on the table and both boys complain that the fish I made was too spicy but we ate. Mike gets home right as I'm cleaning up from dinner. He starts to complain about all the crumbs all over the floor (big surprise there). I'd had a full glass of wine and really didn't care about all the crumbs. About that time, Nick decided to poop his pants yet again. While Mike was taking care of that issue I was sitting down with Jay trying to do homework while Mike decided he was going to get the vacuum out and start vacuuming (all the crumbs). Anyone that knows Nick knows he is LOUD. Watching Jay trying to do homework over the sound of the vacuum and his loud younger brother was more than I could take. I have officially given up for the night! Here's to FRIDAY!

1 comment:

The Stille's said...

sounds so typical. Ha ha