Sunday, August 30, 2009

3 year old entertainment

I really don't have anything interesting to blog about today until I just realized that during the last 30 minutes Nick has provided me with plenty of entertainment.

Nick was trying to work on one of his trucks this morning and it wasn't going the way he wanted. Suddenly, I heard him yell...."Curse my Brain."
Then, the mama turkey made her appearance again this morning and I heard Nick say......."Mom, the big chicken is back."
Once Nick got his truck fixed he exclaimed..."This truck is indispensable!" This was quite hilarious hearing a 3 year old say the word indispensable and then to use it in the proper context.

This story won't be funny to some but people who truly know Nick know how obsessed he is with his "animals." He names all his animals after what they are....Example: penguin, dino, sheep, etc....Never once has he named his animals. This morning he got out of bed and told us that Dino #1 was named "Jack" and Dino #2 was named "Nicholas." How original!


Steph said...

What a character. :)

The Stille's said...

he is so dang funny and cute