Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Grapes - They can be dangerous

Yesterday was Jay's first day riding the bus. This year Jay will be riding the bus to school every day. Last night he came home and said there was a problem on the bus that morning. He said an older boy, who was eating grapes, hit Jay in the mouth with his bag of grapes. Now whether or not this was done intentionally I do not know. In these situations, my first question to Jay is always, "Did you do anything to provoke it?" Jay said he did not. In fact, he claims he was minding his own business (something Jay really hasn't perfected) talking to his buddy, Reece, when he got hit in the mouth with a bag of grapes. If I were to bet, I'd bet this kid was using some animation when he was talking, swinging his grapes around, and accidentally hit Jay. Jay said the kid continued to swing his grapes around and hit him a second time in the mouth. I suppose at that point Jay decided to take matters into his own hands and grabbed the bag of grapes and threw it out the bus window. Now, if this story is true then I say, Good for you Jay, way to take charge because Jay said that kid didn't bother him at all today. Go figure.

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