Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Today was Jay and Nick's last day at Kelson Kids. I knew back in April that Christy's last day would be Aug. 5. Even though the summer went fast, it's hard to believe an era of our life is over. I know Christy is thinking the same thing. Christy reads my blog so I simply want to tell her how much we will miss her and we wish her well. Thank you for everything you did for us!! Best of luck at Olympia and even though we won't see you everyday, we will remain in close contact and stay friends! And Christy, whenever you need a "Nickel-Pickel fix," just read my blog. Ha.
Nick will start at his new daycare/preschool on Monday. I think he'll do fine but he will have a transition period. It will be a transition for me too. I am use to dropping the boys at Christy's in Danvers and then having a good 20 minute drive by myself, listening to music. Now I will have Nick with me on my entire drive to and from work. And trust me, Nick is my motor mouth and doesn't understand what the quiet game is all about. Oh well, I'll get use to it. I'm sure he'll provide me with plenty of laughs on some of those drives and a good laugh is always a great way to start the day.
Jay is being shuffled between me, Mike, my mom, Kim and Mike's mom from now until Aug. 24, when he starts school. Next Thursday is his surgery date so I'll be home with him a few days for that. He was really nervous about it over the weekend but seems to have calmed down as the week goes on.

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