Sunday, September 27, 2009

Oberservations of Parenthood

I've only been a mom for 7 years but in those 7 years I've come to a few conclusions about being a parent, specfically how it relates to my own 2 children and here is what I've learned
  • It is the hardest, most demanding job. There is no other job that exhausts me more than parenting.
  • I thought when Jay was little that as he aged, it would get easier, it doesn't. Once I added another child to the mix, it only gets harder. I don't mean that in a negative way but you get "bigger" issues to deal with as they age and you put school on top it (which takes an "organizational" specialist to handle that) and it's a lot to juggle.
  • Simplify, Simplify, Simplify! I mean that in every aspect. My kid doesn't need to be in every sports activity, nor does he need every toy on the planet.
  • Parenting requires lots of love, patience, organization and consistency (consistency is where I probably fall short on but I recognize it's importance)
  • I've gotten use to questioning myself on a daily basis whether I'm making the right decisions for my children but always listen to your gut, it's usually right.
  • My mom gave me a cute cartoon once that reminded all parents that kids are "under construction." I use this reminder daily to remember my children are not formed at ages 7 and 3

The rewards, at this point, are few and far between but when I catch a glimpse of them, I cherish them. Jay and Nick are both still "under construction" and I try to remember that when Jay is throwing attitude with me or Nick is being a typical 3 year old. But when Jay is concerned for someone else's well-being or when I don't have to remind Nick to use his please and thank-you's, those are times where I see my hard work paying off.

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