Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lunch time jokes

I remember when I had cold lunch as a kid. My mom would usually include a cute little note with her famous smiley face in my lunch box. I remember I always enjoyed reading them and was never embarassed. Last year, when Jay was in first grade, I too, sent "love" notes in his lunch box. Truthfully, in first grade he never complained too much but honestly, I was never convinced he read them either. This year, however, I had to get a little more creative because I knew Jay would not appreciate getting a "love" note from his mother in second grade. In place of a "love" note, I have started writing jokes for him. On days that I have written these famous jokes, I eagerly wait for his response at night. I never get it (he is so Mike Siebert's son!!!), so I ask Jay, "Jay, how did you like my joke today?" Just the other day, he burst my bubble and informed me my jokes are lame. Personally, I thought my joke about the elves (What do elves study in school? The elf-abet) was hysterical, but to Jay, not so much. Okay, maybe they are a little lame. Jay was quick to point out that his friend, Reece, loves my lunch time jokes and gets a good laugh from them. Today I was lucky enough to take a day off work. Nick and I joined Jay for lunch and sat with his friend Reece. I made it a point to ask Reece if he found my jokes funny. Reece's face broke out in a cute grin and admitted that he did enjoy my jokes, all the while, Jay was rolling in eyes. Someday, he'll appreciate and remember my attempt, pathetic it may be, to make him laugh with my lunch time jokes.

1 comment:

The Stille's said...

I love those damn smiley faces
I can't believe he didn't like your jokes...make them dirty then he will