Sunday, September 6, 2009

This & That

It isn't like me to go a full week without blogging. It's been a busy week! The picture above is of Jay helping me bake for our Labor Day cook-out. Yes, he's in his undies and all! I am having a "Thank-you" cook out for my family and Mike's parents for all the help they gave me this summer with the boys. I don't know what got into me but I decided to make each person their own dessert. This morning, Jay helped me make Mimi her S'more cheesecake.
This is me on the Seat Belt Convincer at the Farm Progress Show on Tuesday. I went to Decatur with a few of my co-workers in Public Affairs. State Farm purchased the convincer for the Illinois State Police and let me tell convinces you to wear your seat belt. The ride is only 5 miles an hour and you feel a jolt. I will make sure my boys ride it when they turn 16!
Jay is doing well at school. Mike and I got him signed up for a program at ISU that starts this week. He will go twice a week for 8 weeks and get one on one help with a doctoral student. In addition, when the program is over, ISU will give Mike and I a specialized program (so to speak) that is catered to his individual needs that we can take to his school/teacher to help him. The program isn't cheap and thankfully Mike is able to pick Jay up from school, otherwise I don't know how we would get him to these twice a week sessions. We'll see how it goes. The program itself came highly recommended. My hope is that when it's all said and done, Jay will be able to develop strategies to help him learn.
Nick is doing well also. It took three weeks but he finally adjusted to his new school/daycare. I am happy to report he went all week with no tears. He is talking about his two teachers a little more and talking about two kids in his class. The kids in his class are greeting him when he comes in the morning, all good signs.
I will have an interview soon so I can hopefully get a permanent position in my job that I took on as a developmental opportunity. I found out that 60 people applied so we'll see. I'm taking Mike's advice........"Plan for the worst, hope for the best."

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