Friday, December 4, 2009

Is she or Isn't she?

Kitty, Jay's russian box turtle has been a part of our family since September 2008. I have to be honest, Mike and I are not animal lovers but Mike's dad, Jay's Grandpa John is a huge animal lover which must be where Jay gets it from. Jay has been really good about feeding and watering her. Granted, I have to remind him but overall when I remind him he promptly feeds her. During the summer, he takes her outside to wander around the yard and frequently gives her baths. He included a picture of her this week when Jay was featured as the "Star of the Week." He truly does love his Kitty!

Last night, however, Mike and I became a little suspicious. First of all, Kitty hasn't eaten in 2 weeks. During the winter this isn't so unusual but 2 weeks is a little long, even for a cold blooded half hibernated turtle. When Jay was happily watching "Polar Express" last night I found Kitty sunny-side up and literally gasped. Turns out she was still alive but I didn't feel good about the situation. While Jay continued to watch his movie, Mike and I seized the opportunity to investigate. No matter what we did, Kitty continued to turn herself over on her back - Weird! I got up at 5:15 this morning and found Kitty on her back in her water bowl. My plan of attack is to wake Jay up this morning, distracting him from checking on Kitty then I will access the situation..................Stay tuned............if I have a turtle that has gone sunny side up, I'm going to have a very upset little boy.

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