Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My Dirty Job

There are times I seriously question why the lord thought it was a good idea to bless me with two boys. There are times I feel completely inadquate to mother them. Now before I go any further, let me say for the record I wouldn't trade my boys and I love them dearly but quite frankly, I don't like to do the things that they like to do which puts me at a serious disadvantage. Lately, it has really bothered me. I question if I'm giving them everything they need from me. Sure they get it from Mike but I am the mother the lord intended me to be for my boys? I've noticed it more with Jay than Nick. Nick is only 3 and clearly still "needs" me. But I can almost feel Jay gravitating more and more towards his dad which I realize is completely normal but as that natural transition happens, I don't want my relationship with Jay to grow apart.
I ran errands after work tonight so I didn't get home until late. I walked in the door and I heard a loud "Mommy" from one of the boys. I decided it must be Nick as I figured Jay would not have missed me. Around the corner, Jay runs to me with open arms and sweeps me up in a hug. It was exactly what I needed. Later in the evening he wanted me to watch the T.V. show, "Dirty Jobs" with him. It occurred to me that I spent so much time focusing on what I wasn't good at that I was ignoring the simple things I enjoy with the boys. I love watching "Dirty Jobs." Jay and I sat and watched the show tonight and we laughed over Mike Rowe sticking his hands into a cow's stomach. I guess I'm not as "girly" as I thought.

1 comment:

The Stille's said...

I love it...you are a great mom to boys!!!