Monday, January 18, 2010

The End Result

As a mother there are certain qualities I want my boys to possess but everyday it's a work in progress. My mother continually reminds me, "Amy, think about the end result, don't focus or label the boys based on their day to day interactions." She would know this best because had she "labeled" me in elementary school, she would have been shocked to discover I would be a completely different adult. As a child, I was high-strung, dramatic and sassy as hell and gave my mother a run for her money almost daily. I exhausted her. Now, I'm just the opposite. One of my goals has always been to instill thoughtfulness/concern for others within Jay and Nick.
This morning I had taken the day off work. The boys were happily watching T.V. so I went to take my shower. When Mike isn't home, I always keep the door cracked so I can hear the boys and they can hear me. I swallowed some water that went down the wrong tube. I started choking so hard and so loudly I literally thought I was going to throw up, not to mention it sounded like I was choking up a lung. When my choking fit was finished I waited for one of the boys to check on me, to make sure I was alright. I heard footsteps coming up the steps and I thought to myself, "Gee, they really do care." Abruptly, Nick opened the door with his hands on his hips, his face scrunched up and his mad eyes broke out (People that know and love Nick can picture exactly how he looked) and demanded to know where his lego tractor was! I peered out of the shower and glanced over the cat-walk to witness Jay playing Wii. Neither of my children were even fazed that I could have needed medical attention. Apparently I still have a lot of work ahead of me. May the force be with me!

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