Saturday, January 23, 2010

Our Weekly Wrap-Up

We had a really nice week. Jay is really enjoying his gerbils and purchased some toys for them (with his own money!). We have started a weekly allowance for Jay and so far, it's going good. I plan on opening a savings account for him at our local bank and he's required to put $10/month in his account. That way he can see his money grow and I've told him that money is his down payment for his car someday. He seemed excited about that! By the time he's 16, he should have almost $1,000! Jay and I also saw "The Blind Side" last night as our monthly activity (Aunt Mimi is taking his ice skating for his birthday). It was a very inspirational movie and to anyone who hasn't seen it, I highly recommend it. Jay liked it too. It prompted some questions from him but they were questions I was happy to answer.
As most people know, Nick is crazy about penguins! He has asked me to take "Mary" penguin to work with me so this week. I relented and actually took her with me one day. My co-workers and I had a ball with her. We positioned her all over the office and took pictures of her getting the mail, working on the computer, answering the phone, etc.. I sent the pictures to my home computer and Nick loved it! He told me he wasn't surprised, he always knew Mary was a "weally, weally hard worker." That is the great thing about Nick, he really brings out the "silliness" in our entire family. However, he is proving to be a challenge at school. When he returned to school after Christmas break he told me he was "done with school." This week he told his teacher he doesn't do work in the mornings. Amazingly enough when he realized he couldn't participate in play time until he completed his work, wa-la, it got done. We never know what Nick is going to say. He got up this morning and told us his baby penguin was sick because she ate an abominable snowman???!!!!
I am off to see Brad Paisley tomorrow night, front row tickets!! I'm going with Jenny, her sister, Leta and our other friend, Sarah. I can't wait. I'll post pictures next week.


Christy Kelson said...

Oh, Nick! It's never a dull moment when you're around. I miss you!

Steph said...

Oh my gosh, Nick is sooo funny! I love hearing the silly things he has to say. The abominable snowman thing is hilarious! And Yes, I LOVED The Blind Side!!!!!